11th IAAF World Championships in Athletics 2007, Osaka Japan

Football, Cricket and Athletics are the top 3 sports in Jamaica, but lately the Reggae Boys have been struggling, their most r

Robotics and Nanotechnology

Browsing around the world wide web during my luck hour and I ran into a very interesting article over at IGN that I’d li

Nintendo one most Valuable Japanese companies

What timing eh? less less than 2 weeks after my Nintendo fanboy splurge my fanatic ego was massaged this morning when I woke u

HRP-3 Promet Mk-II

Wondering why this robot looks pretty cool? ItΓ―ΒΏΒ½s probably because it was designed by Yutaka Izubuchi, who worked on desig

8 Random things about me

I was tagged by hecklefind in a blog game that goes around, when you are tagged you should post 8 random things about yourself

Pythagora Switch – Algorithm March

It’s Tuesday, I’m at work, it’s the end of my lunch hour, my stomach is full, I am fighting off sleep and I

Wakamaru – Humanoid Robot for Hire

Get your artificial receptionist/valet while supplies last. Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has announced th

Temporary Nintendo Museum

If you don’t know now you know, I am a Nintendo Fanatic. I am a big fan but not only of their games but of the entire co

Shimizu Mega City, proposed Tokyo Bay Pyramid

I first got news of this proposed structure way back in 2004. When I first watched the Discovery Channel program detailing the

One Love Jamaica Festival 2007

If you don’t already know, reggae is the string that binds us to the hearts, minds and ears of many Japanese. Artists su

Riyo Mori to Join cast of Heroes

Yay! My excitement for the return of Heroes this Fall just doubled with the announcement that the beautiful Japanese national

B.E.A.R. – coming soon to a battlefield near you

The United States military is developing a robot with a teddy bear-style head to help remove injured soldiers from the battlef

Gundam 00 coming in October

Been reading up on the New Gundam throughout the blogosphere for the past couple days and being the anime fan I am I am very e

The Reaping – spontaneously combusting pictures

It’s been my third trip to the theatre to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 with no luck, every time I have gone it has bee

One of my laziest days in a very long while

Lately I have been super busy, all day everyday, with work school and other matters. Today I decided I was going to be the laz

Seirei no Moribito – Guardian of the Sacred Spirit

Another new anime that stared spring which is among my top five new animes for the season. Firstly this anime is not for the a

Microsoft Surface – Touch Screen Computing

Most of my friends are Microsoft haters but the geek in me resonates with anything related to technology, good or bad, but hey

Wooden Gundam

So are you poor like me? Is a the US$41,468 for the Platinum Gundam too rich for your blood? Why not get a Wooden one instead.

Hurricane Information and Names for 2007

The hurricane season will start in less than a week and a very active season is expected. I still have awful memories of Ivan

Heroes season finale

After 23 episodes the first season of Heroes is over. I just watched the final episode “How to Stop an Exploding ManR

Interesting sites and blogs entry 3

The third entry in my interest blogs and websites posts combines whats new and all the buzz in the web 2.0 world with a new re

Tamanoi Vinegar Robot

Yes oh yes, another post about robots/androids/machines following in the vein of my posts about the people lifter, Gundam 1.0,

Media Immersion Pods – Social Escape Hatch

Of course I would want to experienced being in one of these “pods”, surrounded by technology, music and manga, isn

Claymore – a Silver Eyed Witch Festival

Firstly I don’t care what anybody wants to say, Claymore is the best new anime of the season so far, I know this because