Operation Visit Japan – January 2010 Report

Operation Visit Japan was announced earlier this month but was in the planning stage for over a year. Since announcing the plan there were a few last minute details that needed to polished and I can now provide the first monthly report that will keep my readers, family, supporters and friends up to date as I save towards visiting Japan in mid 2011.

Opening new bank Accounts, beating back credit card debt, resisting the urge to buy a smartphone or a PS3,Β  school fee payments, getting rid of unnecessary expenses and putting into play new money management activities are some of what I have been doing over the past 3 or so months to lay the foundation for Operation Visit Japan.

More on Jamaipanese.com:  Poorly explaining the joy of Blogging and Content Creation

January 2010 Report

The goal is us$3000 – $1400 for plane tickets $500 for a 14 day rail pass $800 for accommodation and $300 for visa fees and other miscellaneous expenses. So as of January 25th 2010 Operation Visit Japan has raised $100 which is saved from my salary for January so that means I have to raise, save or plunder another $2900 by March 31st 2011!

The passbook in the centre with the pen marks is where I will save the funds for my Japan trip

Donate to Operation Visit Japan

When I announced operation many people expressed that they wanted to contribute and suggested that I add a paypal donate button. Chipin was suggested by Nick from Japansoc and while I initially had my reservations because I couldn’t decide on just how much I think should be donated I have now decided to go ahead and use Chipin with the aim now being to get at least $300 via donations which is 10% of my Operation Visit Japan budget. Who will be the first to donate? Who will donate the most? How fast will get get the $300 dollar threshold? All those questions remain to be answered, but blog/website owners who donate $10 or more via the widget or otherwise will receive a link-back to their webpage in a “Thank you to the contributors” section of the monthly update that follows their donation as well as a shout out via my twitter page. The widget is displayed below and in the sidebar, Please donate!

More on Jamaipanese.com:  JLPT N4 failed - Yes, I do need a teacher...

Email and RSSΒ  subscribers will have to click here to see the ChipIn Widget

Thats it for the January 2010 report, short, concise and to the point. I am really excited now that I have gotten my first drop into the “visit Japan bucket”. Thanks again for your continues support and comments and suggestions are always welcomed below or via my contact page.


24 thoughts on “Operation Visit Japan – January 2010 Report

  1. Sounds like you are well on your way! Stick with it! Giving up things you’ve grown used to can be hard, I’ve certainly learned that in putting aside favorite activities to spend more time studying Japanese.

  2. Glad to see you’re moving right along. Cutting frivolous expenses and denying yourself gadgets is hard. I know from my own experiences.

      1. I’m slowly learning self restraint to avoid having to skip meals. It’s unpleasant but necessary. It’ll pay off in the end.

  3. Your so motivated i could never sacrifice the gadgets!!! but i totally understand your determination! i was fortunate enough to go to Japan last year and it truly is mind blowing!! Γ©Β β€˜Γ₯¼¡ã£ã¦ (Ganbatte) [japan]

  4. It’s going to be really fun watching your progress. It makes us feel like we’re right there with you! You have so much drive and determination, it’s obvious that you’re definitely going to make it! Γ©Β β€˜Γ₯ΒΌΒ΅Γ£ΒΒ£Γ£ΒΒ¦Γ€ΒΈβ€ΉΓ£Ββ€’Γ£Ββ€žΓ―ΒΌΒ


  5. Maybe you posted about this already, but some of your closer Japan blogging friends throughout Japan might be willing to put you up for a night or two here and there, which would greatly cut down on expenses.

    Good luck! You deserve it.


  6. If I’m here in March 2011 (which I *might* be, depends when holidays fall and if I can work the previous Christmas…) I’m sure I could put you up for a day or two πŸ™‚

  7. [jamaica] Wow, that goes fast and it’s because you’re such a nice person, who blogs with passion and never means harm to anyone. I think those who do good will also receive good in return [angel] I can’t wait for 2011, hehe. Good luck!

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