My Profiles on Social Networks, Forums and other Websites

Below are links to my profiles on social networks, message boards and general websites about things I am interested in. I am sure I am missing out some sites here but I will keep updating this list. Please feel free to add me to you friend lists. Happy surfing!

Jamaipanese on Stumbleupon

Jamaipanese on Digg

Jamaipanese on Twitter

Jamaipanese on Technorati

Jamaipanese on Japansoc

Jamaipanese on Otakustuff

Jamaipanese on Gamespot

Jamaipanese on Gametrailers

Infidel101 on Xbox Live

Infidel on Forums

Infidel on Forums

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Eye Shrine on Flickr


5 thoughts on “My Profiles on Social Networks, Forums and other Websites

  1. Wow, you’re busy! I’ve recently signed up to Digg and Stumble, but I’m not sure how active I’m going to be on those sites.

  2. I see you’re really into games and anime pal. I’ll look you up on those sites and good idea posting your info. Hit me back kiddo.

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