I Speak Japanese – Japan focused Videos

For the past few months I have been enjoying an excellent blog called I Speak Japanese more specifically their video entries entitled “Happy Hour Japan”. The blog is updated primarily with video posts by fellow Japan enthusiasts Aaron and Kevin who have both visited and spent a lot of time in Japan. I found every single one of their short, to the point, engaging and natural videos very informative but fun at the same time. It’s hard to even choose a few of my favorites to link to. For someone like me who have never been to Japan and can only dream about it for now I can’t get enough of their videos.

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Videos like Tokyo vs Osaka, Japanese Manners 101 and traveling to Japan are great entries that I found particularly useful. If you get lost or want to follow from the start be sure to check out the first video and then watch from there.

Not all about Videos

While the videos are the primary attraction to the site Aaron and Kevin has done a great job providing a lot of Japanese language and culture resources like hiragana and katakana charts and a useful list of even critical survival phrases in case suddenly wake up in Japan tomorrow morning – something I wish would happen to me.

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