PS3 Launch Frenzy

It happened a few days ago in Japan and now it’s North America’s turn. At midnight the PS3 went on sale, and with limited numbers due to manufacturing trouble many die hard gaming fans hungry for some sweet next-gen goodness from Sony have been lining up since Sunday and popular retailers in order to snag a system. Personally I don’t think I could ever wait out in the cold, days on end for a game system no matter how excited I am.


check the links below for coberage of the Japanese and North American Launches

PS3 Takes Bite out of Big Apple

More on  The Metroid Amiibo is squishy

PS3 Tech Trouble

Sony Losing Almost $250 per Console

PS3 Ebay Prices Soar PS3 Launch Coverage

Playstation 3 official site

Launch Game that caught my eye

The crazyness will only intensify in the coming weeks. When will I buy a ps3 you ask?…about this time next year unless I get one as a gift before that. I am 100% certain that I will be playing one before the year is out though.