New York City Vacation 2016

For most of November and the beginning of December, I enjoyed a wonderful 3-week vacation in New York City. A vacation was needed as it had been many years since I enjoyed one (Last one being when I went to Japan). I had just completed my undergrad degree so I had already been planning (and saving) for months as a treat to myself.


Daily Adventures

The trip was everything I could have hoped for and filled with adventure and excitement while some days were more relaxing. I visited many places from the United Nations headquarters to the American Indian Museum to Central Park to the 9/11 Memorial to Times Square and so much more over many days. I also did many mundane things such as walking around in circles and catching a movie. There is also one small adventure that rewarded me with a Playstation 4 but more on that in a separate blog post.

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NYC recharged my Batteries

All in all, I am happy and thoroughly enjoyed meeting up with old friends and new ones. I don’t think I could live in NYC for an extended period but I look forward to visiting again to get an injection of energy and inspiration to propel me forward towards my goals and aspirations.

9/11 Mall

Have you ever visited new York City? Do you live in New York City? Tweet me @Jamaipanese and lets chat! or leave a comment below. Enjoy the photos below!

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9/11 Memorial
Trinity Church
Times Square and the photobomber
Walking in New York playing Pokemon Go
Saddest museum I ever visited
Grand Central Station